
Inspection of energy transmission lines and components

The distribution and transmission of energy is as important as its production. Uninterrupted and lossless transmission can be ensured by regular maintenance and inspections. Energy production lines and components are inspected by expert teams to prevent possible malfunctions. These inspections are generally of transmission cables or components (porcelain, connection equipment, etc.) on the high mast. Transformers are inspected with visual physical controls by visiting the field. All these inspections are dangerous, time-consuming and error-prone operations that require de-energization.

We conduct innovative power line inspections with unmanned aerial vehicles. We inspect RGB and thermal components of power lines and transformers. We prepare the thermal report of the elements that require heat monitoring on the line. In particular, we thermally inspect systems that generate high heat, such as transformers.

Performing these operations with our aerial vehicles provides many advantages;

without power outage



high precision

As a result of RGB and thermal examinations in the field, thermal values and images are delivered to the expert teams and fault detection is carried out.