
Wind turbines power plant inspection

Like solar energy, wind turbines, also known as RES for short, are a renewable energy source that is extremely important for sustainable living. These turbines, which are used to utilize the possibilities of nature and provide low-cost uninterrupted energy, can be installed in onshore/offshore areas. Locations with high wind density are selected. Thanks to the mechanical systems inside, the rotating blades provide high efficiency electricity generation. And this will continue as long as there is wind.

Due to its structure, it is built in geographical areas where natural conditions are harsh. These facilities, which are heavily affected by weather events and physical wear and tear, are constantly exposed to strong winds. The maintenance and uninterrupted operation of these turbines with high production costs is therefore crucial. Regular structural inspections are necessary to ensure the long life of the turbines and efficient production. These checks are very difficult to do with the human eye due to the height of the turbines.

Our company's inspection aerial vehicles are capable of autonomously performing physical inspections of turbines (especially blades) with very high resolution RGB and thermal imaging. In a short time, physical/thermal imaging is completed and analyzed and reported. Thanks to its special camera, very small physical deterioration and technical problems on the surface can be easily seen.

Due to the height and location of these systems, controlling the turbines with aerial vehicles provides many advantages.




thermal vs RGB comparison visual,

Wind turbines are analyzed in three sections.




The data is delivered in a form that can be interpreted by the wind turbine expert.